Upon reading your message in the description I suddenly respect you a lot less…
Upon reading your message in the description I suddenly respect you a lot less…
What is this account? I never knew it existed until I accidentally put tangeroni instead of tangerine into the search box.
Yeah ok this is clearly one of your earlier tracks. You can tell by the terrible sound fonts and bad mixing. The melody itself isn’t terrible but the same four chords are too prevalent and need to be messed with a little to give it variety. Not to mention they are a popular pop song chord progression but with the order flipped around. And literally no outro. I don’t know what I expected from something literally named “composition 5” but I’ll rate it accordingly.
This is still my all time favorite bossfight song. Of all of them, this feels the most like an actual bossfight, and it’s the catchiest melody when it comes to the drops. The guitar solo at the end fits so well it’s unreal, and then don’t even get me on the epic story this song tells. Something about a space warrior getting beaten down and having a huge redemption I think. This would make for a great movie, very well done.
Wow I’m here early lol. Really getting 70s synthwave vibes from this. Loving those instruments and the mixing as always is excellent. It is a little slow for my tastes, but that might just be me. This is great music to relax/study to and I could see this getting a good amount of well-deserved attention.
I just realized, you started uploading a song every Friday. While this is good for keeping a sustained viewerbase, a new song once a week is bound to get tiring after a while. I prefer to stick to no set schedule, even if it means I haven’t uploaded for weeks and weeks. Just a suggestion :)
By the way, what software do you use? My guess is FL but it could really be anything…
haha, thank you for your kind and thoughtful words as always! i use "Reason", some of my favorite patches sound like an oberheim or arp. the brass and string patches sound so vaporous and warm.
Really nice melody! It’s nice to see how your style has improved since those early days. Me personally, I am not the biggest fan of hardstyle music as it all tends to sound extremely similar, but this is one of the better ones I’ve heard. Nice job!
Takes me right back lmao.
While this is a cool novelty, unfortunately, there’s a reason dubstep moved on from the “yay” sounds: compared to today’s, it sounds significantly worse. Therefore, my favorite part is from 0:00-1:01, really nice atmosphere there. Good job anyways!
Thank you!
The first 1:48 is BY FAR the best part of the song. If I were you I would have skipped from 1:48 to 4:35 and make 4:35-the end minor key.
Oh man
Welp, I guess that about does it for tonight, now to shut down.
*discord ping*
Op, wait a minute, what’s this?
*ping* Oh my god, there’s ano-
*ping* Oh Jesus Christ
(pings in background) What the hell is going on with my computer *sighs*
*You’ve Got a Friend in Me instrumental plays in the background, pings hasten and then dramatically stop to allow the singing to begin*
Calm down, pardner
Don’t worry pal, it’s me, Discord
I’m gonna tell ya just what’s goin’ on
You’ve got a friend request
*tuba* [or is that a baritone?]
You’ve got a friend request
Gettin’ late, gotta
Go to bed, just before you shut down
What’s that read *ping syncing with the music*
A notification, this is what it said
Yeah you’ve got a friend request
Yeah you’ve got a friend request
*in a dark and ominous voice* No prior contact, no mutual servers, no mutual friends
You’ve got a friend request
You’ve got a friend request
Tatiana [spelling unknown]
She’s from Budapest
In the thumbnail she’s showing both her breasts
Biting her upper lip and imagining the rest
You’ve got a friend request (ha ha ha)
You’ve got a friend request (so add them already)
Discord needs you to see
No more worldly troubles if you just add me
*in a mocking voice* All I need are numbers from your old C.C.
Credit [that word I can’t discern, please correct me] please
You’ve got a friend request (friend request)
You’ve got a friend request (all of the time)
Local single mom named Destiny
I know, you know, all of us know
*another synced ping*
You’ve got a friend request
*synced ping*
Yeah, you’ve got a friend request
*fading in* please just block me I don’t give a shit
Because, in reality, I’m actually just a fucking bot and
Listen, um, attention all Discord gamers, if you could just give me your parents’: credit card number, three digits on the back, and the expiration month and year, that’d be great.
*at the same time as “great”* No, no I’m not doing that, get away from me. This app fucking sucks, I’m moving to telegram.
Really nice classical piece! Although if I were you I wouldn’t have included the progression in the description. Also I’m not so sure about that outro, it doesn’t feel like it did this 8 minute song justice and I was a little underwhelmed. Actually my favorite part is the “crazy part” at 2:16-3:10. I sort of wish the whole song built up to that to make it even more impactful, as the person seemingly commits suicide, and then the funeral March afterwards as the outro. Either way, great job here!
Sorry for being so late to respond to this!! Thank you so much for taking the time to genuinely review this piece of music, it means a lot! Glad you enjoyed!!
Classical and occasionally electronic composer who also made a song for every state once.
Age 19, Male
Pre-med student
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI
Joined on 11/26/20