I disagree, creating descriptions really helps outline the piece in a way I couldn’t really successfully do in a news post or a comment. There always happens to be things I want to tell my audience as they listen to my new song, with maybe 3-4 exceptions. I’ve been to make longer descriptions in an effort to give some input on my decisions, especially since I began truly experimenting with what I was creating and trying to take full advantage of the software. It is for that reason that I feel I am improving as an artist over time, and there will be mishaps along the way but by the end my goal is to create a harmony between these different features in my future songs, like a professional producer (although I have no intentions of becoming one as of right now).
Anyways, the song. I go on a big rant in every review I leave now I guess. This feels different than your other songs which I like a lot. There was a period before the summer when I honestly could not tell which songs were which based on instrumentation, mixing, and structuring. But that has changed for the better: this has much more of a “surprise” feeling (I stole that term from the surprise symphony); very stop-start which works here I think. I just don’t know why it’s called “nearing the end”….
Is what I would have said originally until I heard the ending. I’m starting to wonder if this is some sort of foreshadowing of a big event, and leaving us hanging on that ending is the perfect way to show that. I hope you aren’t going to stop anytime soon because I do enjoy writing these reviews. And about you being late on my last one, I understand because I literally uploaded it 2 days after I uploaded Connecticut and didn’t expect a review from you that early, I doubted anyone expected me to do it that quickly. Since then it’s been 3 weeks+ as I lost all my progress (it wasn’t that good anyways, I’m sticking to mobile for now).