I wonder why geometry dash is one of the tags... wait a minute
I wonder why geometry dash is one of the tags... wait a minute
I’m so conflicted about this one and I don’t know why. I generally have an aversion to using anything even slightly resembling vocals in my music because I think it has a huge potential to completely ruin any individuality or artistic talent in a song, and while I don’t think this falls into that trap, as the non vocal portions are incredible, I don’t think me personally can give this 5 stars for that reason alone. Actually there are a few minor things to mention, including the fact that the vocals don’t change pattern or notes at all or the fact that I don’t think this is dubstep, it feels a lot more like house. Not like that matters. I’m rambling; I don’t hate this song by any means and the melodic structure is some of the best you’ve made, and I can totally see how someone would give this 5/5, but me personally, that type of music isn’t my specialty. I’m probably not the right person to be reviewing this song, so take this with a grain of salt.
Wow. Let’s just go through one by one why I consider this song another masterpiece of yours
The intro is great, and while it sets the tone it also establishes the theme of the song, being a different Christmas sounding track with extremely intricate harmonies and such.
The chords are unusual but still sound good and match the song name really well.
0:48 loving that 4/4 snare in a 6/8 melody, that’s one of my favorite tricks in creating nice and unique percussion.
1:16 probably the best part of the song; the bass drops off in pitch, kind of like a movie trailer, and bursts straight into a very ominous final climax which ends in a major chord somehow; I love that there is actual progression, unlike in most Christmas songs
It seems your main weakness in your more recent songs are the outros IMO; however I do like this one quite a bit. Those campfire sound effects are really well integrated and sound super realistic, almost as if they were recorded IRL and imported into the song. If they were, this would make it arguably a more unique and just better song than A Starry Night, taking into consideration all the stuff I just pointed out and how I didn’t mention a single flaw. I just don’t even know what to say, this is fantastic and I want it to be preformed by a live orchestra somewhere because it would sound amazing.
I think I understand the meaning behind the song: control is a two sided coin; the good parts of control, getting things exactly how you want it, is represented in the song by the major key shifts in the melody constantly throughout, but the negative parts of control is represented by the minor and dissonant chords in the background and it’s genius. One thing is the outro, it’s kinda underwhelming, just a fade to nothing. Other than that though very well done
What does that voice at the end say? I can’t understand it
I'm a fucking crab. I'm a fucking crab. Look at me, DansDemand! I'm a fucking crab.
Truly heart felt lyric writing here.
I probably would have rated this higher of ASN didn’t exist, but here we are. I see this as the precursor to that song, having a really catchy baseline and chords but a not so catchy melody. “Beginner music producer” my ass, you know how to mix better than I ever could and have been doing this for 5 years. Every song improves on the last, or tries something completely new, and that has to be respected. A lot of artists made 3-4 really good songs like 3 years ago and their modern songs kinda suck ( F-777, TheFatRat, pretty much every geometry dash artist) or aren’t producing anymore (dimrain47, xtrullor, bossfight, foreverbound, etc). I hope you’re whitelisted by Robtop soon because all this music is going underappreciated.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard so much emotion and effort put into a musescore track. It works! Somehow it works! I can see how people would sympathize with this song and start bawling. I didn’t though because I never had a gf. ;(
I’m glad you enjoyed! On the other piece I used a separate soundfont and echo settings so yeah I’ll stick to these lmao. It’s always much better to not have a gf than to have a bad one like I did ;(. I’m excited to hopefully see your return to my future pieces! :)
Really good intentions with this song. But I don’t want to let that impression stand in the way of an honest review, so here goes.
Everything sounds pretty good until 2:45 with frankly... less than optimal brass sounds going on. It begins to emanate musescore; I’ve used it before and it has questionable sounds so I don’t blame you. Also, at 3:30 it sounds really nice, actually that might be my favorite part. Every melody is perfectly fitting to commemorate a friend and I respect that. Finally, at 0:59 there is a weird note there but idk. Other than those pretty minor complaints, really good work.
Thank you so much for the honest review! Yeah it’s in MuseScore... I wish I could help the sounds this program spits out. The review is much appreciated! I’m glad you enjoyed :)
Ok I checked your old account because I can relate to losing an old account; happened to me twice over the past... almost 3 years. I found that you once tried to make music but gave up because the “site” you used was garbage. I’m beginning to see the backstory here. If I could give a recommendation, I’d recommend getting some actual software to produce your... audio... I’m sure it would turn out far better than stuff like this. Judging it as a song, it is not very good. Judging it as audio, it’s audio. I could say that any objectively baseless song on newgrounds is good because it’s audio and not music; obviously newgrounds doesn’t say “upload audio” to literally mean any audio file, although that is technically allowed don’t expect it to be well received. These are just my thoughts, don’t take me too seriously( I have no idea about the inner workings of the site or anything
Edit: to your reply I said “...audio...” in response to you saying on my first review ever on your songs that it “wasn’t meant to be music”, this also explains why I said “judging it as audio”. Also I literally said at the end to NOT TAKE ME SERIOUSLY no I wasn’t trying to insult you and no my review on End was not sarcastic I actually can see artistic intent behind that song. In terms of how to improve... I don’t know, how would anyone know? I just randomly found you on the audio portal and didn’t know what to expect going in. Also also, I only left this specific review on this song as more of a general message than review the song, but didn’t want to sound confrontational with a DM.
first of all, I didn't lose my old account, I switched because i sure as hell wasn't gonna pay to change the name. I don't remember "giving up", but the site i was using *back then* was terrible. what I'm using now is fucking amazing (to me), although limited. I literally just started making music, and I'm comfortable with what I have. most programs I have used are frustrating and confusing. I can make my music however I want to make it, and just because its shit doesn't mean what I'm using is shit, its that I don't have practice. also, you say "judging it as audio" which means i assume you don't think this is meant to be a song. I tried pretty fucking hard on this one, and you just telling me it isn't good without telling me how to actually improve is kind of insulting. don't expect everyone to be a musical genius.
edit: when reading this over again, i noticed what you said about my music around the middle of the paragraph. "getting some actual software to produce your... audio..." this feels like the goal was to insult me. not even calling it a song, or music. if that was your goal, then go fuck yourself. if you WERENT trying to insult me, then i wanna know why you said it that way.
Classical and occasionally electronic composer who also made a song for every state once.
Age 19, Male
Pre-med student
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI
Joined on 11/26/20