This definitely shows huge potential within the realm of melody, harmony, and I’d even argue progression. However, it’s missing one major thing: polish. It feels like none of the instruments were tampered with at all to be honest, and I’d consider heavily modifying things like the piano to get a softer, more echoey sound that reflects the mellow nature of the chords better. I also can’t be the only one who doesn’t see the point of including that part 1:42, since it’s more of the same from the previous drop (except without percussion) and doesn’t advance the story much like the part at 2:30 does (by the way, I appreciate the variety here). And as you said, it does seem a little rushed regardless.
The last thing I’m going to mention is how jealous I am of the tempo modulation. I wish they’d just put that on the mobile version already! It would be so easy to add it as something you can add an automation track onto, why haven’t they done this yet?! Anyways, good job here, and keep improving!