Of all the seven songs, this one is probably the best. I have a weird tradition of reviewing at least one song of everyone who reviews my songs, unless they’re already super popular. I saw that you weren’t impressed with the views on this first album, I’m just going to say that it takes time and lots of effort. It took me about 3+ years to get one track that got a lot of listens (Wyoming with ~700), which isn’t even that much in the grand scheme of things. Haven’t even broken 1000 so don’t feel too bad if you aren’t getting what you want in that regard. But rather than worrying about the numbers I just do it as a hobby, not really caring if something doesn’t even get 100 after 2 weeks. I don’t plan to make my music into a career in the slightest, but I do enjoy making it, sometimes even more than I enjoy playing it which is just amazing to me. But yeah this song: it’s a good “bop” for lack of a better term. I can kind of see why you liked my most recent track after looking at what you’ve made. Progression is better down here than in your other tracks and the synths are more varied. I also notice that we use the same software (although I did end up slowly abandoning the mobile version for the PC trial version very recently). The whole balloon animal wolf Dave thing is a little bizarre but I suppose it does set you apart. A lot to say this time I guess.