Classical and occasionally electronic composer who also made a song for every state once.

Age 19, Male

Pre-med student

Wayne State University

Detroit, MI

Joined on 11/26/20

Exp Points:
898 / 900
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Vote Power:
5.17 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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A big day

Posted by 50Steaks - July 8th, 2024

Today is the day I have reached 100 followers, and honestly a little too soon. I expected I’d have a few more weeks till the count slowly ticked up but @Tangerine’s 420 follower special with all of its crediting boosted my count too quickly for me to have my 100 follower special ready. So it’s gonna be a few days till that comes out.

Obligatory thank you to tangerine for getting me here and being the only one to review every single one of my songs including some of those on other accounts, for being the most in depth reviewer and for giving me something to look forward to each song to this day. Without him, I don’t know if I would’ve completed the 50 states.

Additional thank yous go to @trevor8 and @Anonymous-Frog for supporting me on my journey for many years and frog for using Nevada in his awesome animation. Gotta thank @TomFulp for his help in recovering my accounts and for hosting this wonderful site.

And anyone else who has followed me, including @wolfatthedoor for being my legendary 100th follower. I will never again have a 100th follower, and he will forever have that title.

Of course, thanks to everyone else who has supported me on my journey both pre and post 50 states.

Unfortunately a preview of my next song would be a bit hard to do given that it would either show basically nothing or way too much. So instead I’ll just let everyone know that warbird has been submitted to the NGUAC. Let’s hope that goes well!

Oh also I’m not changing my name. That was mostly nighttime ramblings



yo? i didnt realize i was your 100th follower. Thats really cool actually! Youre cool!

Thanks so much! Never thought I'd see the day lol.

I still can't believe you made it through all 50 of the states. I don't think I'd ever have to patience to do what you did. But congrats on 100! Still wildly underrated :(

Shame I absolutely powered through the year 2021 with like over half the states posted that year, wish I would’ve slowed down. I just had a lot more free time back then because school was outrageously boring and easy that year for the most part

@50Steaks 2021 was a year we both created an ungodly amount of songs lmao. Back when making songs took only 5 hours instead of 40 xD.

A lot of good tracks came out of it through, and you should definitely go back and remake some of them with your current new and improved skill. New York will always be dear to me because it's the first of your songs I ever listened to. The gateway drug xd

Lmao New York the gateway drug. tbh that one probably has a ton of untapped potential. But if I were to remake any of them it’d be Vermont first cause that’s like the worst state right now
