I have made songs for only 6 of the 50 states so far, meaning I have 44 to go. I knew this was a big undertaking and could potentially stress me out, so what I’ve done is began to make the song first and then assign a state to it post production, instead of looking at the state and saying “let’s make a song for that” because frankly, who can make a song on Wyoming and South Dakota, and differentiates the latter with North Dakota... it’s impossible. So far, however, I think I’ve done a pretty good job at assigning the states to the songs, such that it makes sense. Ohio is a state I feel conflicted about, and that is reflected in the song. California is the golden state, hence the song style. Michigan is depressing, and Massachusetts should be happy and cheerful with the residents’ weird accents. I will admit, it does feel like I’m writing news posts for nobody at the moment but hopefully that’ll change in the future.